Marysville’s Historic Street Names
There is no question that as time goes by, things change. Whether that is landscapes, buildings, or place names, change is inevitable and is oftentimes for the best. However, without a concrete understanding of the past, it is near impossible to accurately execute the future void of a firm grip understanding of how one got there.
The simple naming of streets gives enormous insight into the values and the structure of the past. Leaders named streets after things or people they felt were important. As time goes on street names change, in most cases to numbers for uniformity and ease of travel, but that doesn’t mean these old names that were once so important should be forgotten. Many cities have taken excellent steps in remembering this section of the past whether that be reverting street names back to their historic names, or instituting a brown sign program. The brown sign designation from most public works entities is meant to display historic names of places, often streets. Many cities include these brown signs underneath or near the name of the present street name. Unfortunately for many Marysville residents, little if any efforts have been made to educate the public of historic street names. Below in numerical order are the historic street names for Marysville, many of which can still be heard in everyday conversations among long time residents.
There is no concrete date on when numbers officially replaced historic names, it was something that took place over a period of time. In addition to this, it must be remembered that many streets are so new they do not have historic names associated with them. If your street name is not on the list and you think it should be, let me know and I’ll do some digging!
Streets running east to west:
Grove (East of 67th)- Ludwig Street
28th Street NE- Carlson Road
40th Street NE- Morgan Branch Road
44th Street NE- Line Road
46th Street NE- Sundown Road
52nd Street NE (Between Sunnyside and 67th)- Ketchum Road
52nd Street NE (East of 67th) - Evans Road
59th Place NE- Pacific Street
60th Street NE- Lake Cassidy Road
60th Place NE- Judson Street
64th Street NE- Hickock Road
72nd Place NE- Olive Street
73rd Place NE- Solon Street
73rd Street NE- Norum Street
74th Place NE- Myrtle Street
74th Street NE- Victor Road
75th Place NE- Magnolia Street
75th Place NE (off Armar NOT 51st)- Allen Creek Drive
76th Street NE- DeuPree Road
77th Place NE- Edgemar Terrace
77th Place NE (Connected to 63rd Drive to 67th)- Maybelle Drive
78th Place NE- Woodlawn Drive
80th Street NE- Westover Road
81st Place NE- Quil Ceda Lane
84th Street NE- Robinson Road
84th Street NE (east of 67th)- Getchell Hill Road
85th Place NE- Sandy Road
86th Place NE (West of 55th) - Mileview Drive
86th Place NE (East of 55th)- Allen Drive
88th Street NE- Cemetary Road
92nd Street NE- Comeford Road OR Colby Road
94th Place NE- Wade Haven Way
100th Street NE- Turk Road
101st Place NE- Palmer Road
108th Street NE- Ziebel Road
112th Street NE- Fir Road
116th Street NE- Marshall Road
128th Street NE- Steve Road
132nd Street NE- Otter Road
136th Street NE- Paulson Road
140th Street NE- Millard Ball Road
152nd Street NE- Levin Cox Road
Streets running north to south
35th Ave NE (Tulalip)- Kron Road
36th Ave NE- Grannis Road
44th Drive NE- Topsy Drive
47th Ave NE- Liberty Street
48th Drive NE- Hammerly Road
49th Drive NE- Pomona Ave
51st Ave NE (North of Grove)- Norumtown Road
52nd Ave NE- Eliza Street
53rd Ave NE- Belmont Street
53rd Drive NE- Clayton Road
54th Ave NE- Victor Street
55th Ave NE- Anderson Road
57th Drive NE- Clarice Drive
59th Ave NE- Walker Road
60th Drive NE- Mountainview Road
63rd Drive NE- Maybelle Drive
64th Ave NE- Valley Road
67th Ave NE- Kellogg-Marsh Road
71st Ave NE (South of 44th to Sunnyside)- Black Hill Road
71st Ave NE (North of 64th to Grove)- Larsen Road (before about 1940) Carlson Road (after about 1940)
79th Ave NE- Gardner Road
83rd Ave NE- Whiskey Ridge Road
87th Ave NE- Eva Green Road